8 ways to love yourself post Covid-19

As we approach the end of the pandemic (hopefully), it seems fit to ponder for a minute or two, what a difficult year we've been through. Travelling restrictions, closed family businesses, online lessons, homeschooling, zoom meetings for work, and the losses of loved ones for many, the fear of infection for those who were more vulnerable, like those living with chronic conditions. These are just some of the difficulties we were faced with since March 2020. 

Covid-19 has affected people from all age groups. Preschoolers couldn't run and play freely with their peers, nor could they be helped to wear their coat before leaving the school. Others had to stay at home under unprecedented conditions of parents having to follow work commitments from a home that was not necessarily adapted for several people working and being taught online.  

There was extra pressure on everyone. Life changed for schoolers and for young adults who struggled to find work experience opportunities in an environment where they seemed to be shrinking more than ever. 

And there was also the psychological factor: what am I studying for? There were no face-to -ace interviews for University placements. The young adults who were already studying their first degree saw their travels removed from their programs and abroad study years disappeared suddenly too. 

We all had to adjust. And what about those first-time mothers who were giving birth without the presence of a mother who couldn't travel from her overseas home? There are still grandparents who haven't met their almost one-year-old grandchild face to face. 

And what are we doing about it? Have we realised that there have been traumatic events happening all over the world that challenge many of us in a similar way? Yes, some are facing the events under better conditions than others, but the invisible enemy is the same for all. 

The point is, you might have caught the virus, or not, but you might feel exhausted. Be kind to yourself and to those around you. The challenge/threat has been difficult and long. It is not completely over yet. 

As you see the light at the end of the tunnel (please do), make sure you take care of your wounded soul and body. Here are some small ways to show yourself some love:

  1. Book a massage
  2. Book an appointment for a new hairstyle
  3. Do some online shopping for new clothes or skin care products for the new season
  4. Spring-clean your closet
  5. Drink plenty of warm or cold beverages that make you happy
  6. Eat something nice or healthy
  7. Sing a tune that takes you back in time when we were Covid free
  8. Listen to your body and rest or move or touch your feet, as you see fit
I hope these reminders have made you smile. Sometimes we just need to hear that we are worth it and that we are appreciated. Thank you for reading. Take care and leave your own suggestions in the comments. Let's help spread the self-love. 


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